Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: "One, who gets up in the morning and is not concerned about the affairs of other Muslims, is NOT a Muslim."


" We Muslims are busy bickering over whether to fold or unfold our arms during prayer, while the enemy is devising ways of cutting them off " - Imam Khomeini.


Monday, April 23, 2012

Genap 32 Tahun Mimpi Ngeri Amerika.


24 April 1980, tarikh di mana kuasa kuffar Amerika menceroboh bumi Iran yang mana usaha itu berakhir dengan tragedi yang memalukan mereka. Ringkasnya seperti di bawah :

- misi : menyelamat dan membebaskan 52 tebusan di kedutaan Amerika di Teheran

- 8 helikopter terlibat. Dua terperangkap dalam ribut pasir yang mana satu darinya mendarat cemas dan satu lagi berpatah balik ke kapal pengangkut pesawat.

- selebih 6 helikopter berjaya mendarat di Desert One berhampiran padang pasir Tabas, yang merupakan pusat pertemuan pertama operasi yang diberi nama Operation Eagle Claw.

- dari 6 helikopter tersebut, satu mengalami kerosakan hidraulik. 

- oleh kerana operasi ini memerlukan sekurang2nya 6 helikopter, komander memberi arahan operasi dibatalkan atas persetujuan Jimmy Carter.

- dalam perjalanan balik, satu helikopter terlanggar pesawat pengangkut Hercules C-130 yang membawa bahan api dan 8 anggota tentera. Kedua2nya musnah terbakar dan kesemua 8 anggota tentera terbunuh. Bangkai pesawat dan mayat2 ditinggalkan di padang pasir.

 Ayatollah Khalkhali walks near the remains of the US marines killed in the crash in Tabas. April 1980, in the desert, not so far from the little town of Tabas (about 700 km – 430 miles – south of Tehran). After the debacle of the American helicopter raid “Eagle Claw”, aimed at rescuing the hostages. On 11 April 1980, about five months after the opening of the hostage crisis, US president Jimmy Carter assented to a secret military operation to rescue the hostages, despite the opposition of his secretary of state, Cyrus Vance, and in spite of the fears of the CIA of “heavy losses” among the hostages. Launched 24 April 1980, the raid was a total fiasco. Three of the eight helicopters were disabled in a send storm. A fourth collided with a troop transport plane, killing nine US marines. In the hasty departure ordered by Carter, their remains were left behind. It is their bodies that are seen here. Hasting to the site, Ayatollah Khalkhali (known as the “Hangman of the Revolution”), proceeded to conduct an inspection and took part in gathering up the bodies. On 25 April 1980, the White House announced that the raid had failed. Seen as a humiliation for the United States, the failure of the Tabas raid was greeted by the Iranian media as “the hand of God protecting us against the malevolence of the Great Satan”. (image by Manoocher)

Semoga pertolongan Allah Taala sentiasa bersama ummat Islam, sunni dan syiah.

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