Holy Prophet Muhammad (saw) said: "One, who gets up in the morning and is not concerned about the affairs of other Muslims, is NOT a Muslim."


" We Muslims are busy bickering over whether to fold or unfold our arms during prayer, while the enemy is devising ways of cutting them off " - Imam Khomeini.


Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Doktor, Jururawat Bahrain DiDakwa

Seramai 24 doktor dan 23 jururawat dari Salmaniya Medical Complex didakwa di mahkamah tentera atas tuduhan terlibat dengan protes anti kerajaan.

Doktor dari Hak Asasi manusia berkata para doktor dan jururawat itu ditahan, didera atau hilang kerana mereka mempunyai bukti kekejaman yang dilakukan oleh pihak berkuasa, angkatan keselamatan dan polis rusuhan.


Kenapa pula Amerika berdiam diri tentang apa yang terjadi di Bahrain, dijawab oleh Osman Alaradi, seorang doktor dari Detroit, yaitu pemerintah Saudi dan Bahrain merupakan sekutu rapat AS. Setiap kekejaman dan kekerasan akan dilindungi. (' Alaradi: I think I should clearly differentiate between the American people and the government's behavior. You know it was obvious from the beginning that the US government would not do anything to condemn the Bahraini government. It's been more than two months now and we have seen not a single statement from the US against the government of Bahrain.

And the major thing that the US considers is that the Al-Khalilfa and the Al-Saud families are close allies of the US and they protect them and support whatever they do. '-www.islamtimes.org).

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